CF Does Not Define Me

Hi my name is Jade Needham. I am 17 years old and I have cystic fibrosis (CF).

All my life my parents have been so positive, re-assuring and supportive when it comes to my CF. They always told me I could be whoever I wanted to be and I can do whatever I want to do in life. Cystic fibrosis has never defined me, but I had always found it really hard to talk about, even with close friends.

This past year I have really grown and matured with my illness.

Before Christmas I decided to do a bake sale for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland in my school. At the time I found it really hard to tell people I had CF. I felt embarrassed. I thought people would treat me differently and put pity on me, which is what I have never wanted.

But seeing all my friends and classmates supporting me even though they had no idea I had cystic fibrosis really helped me.

As the year went on I became more confident and positive towards my illness.

I then organized a non uniform purple day for 65 roses day in April, I wanted to raise awareness in a fun and positive way while also embracing my CF. This time most people knew I had cystic fibrosis and I questioned why I ever felt embarrassed telling people. Seeing the students in my school wearing purple, supporting not only me but the whole CF community warmed my heart.

Gradually, I realised I could talk about cystic fibrosis with anyone in a confident and comfortable way. My teachers were very interested in what I go through and things they never knew about CF for example cross infection. For the first time in my life I could answer questions people were asking without getting upset or embarrassed.

For my transition year graduation I spoke in front of all my classmates and their parents about cystic fibrosis. It was one of the scariest things I have ever done. I thought about running out of the hall, I honestly did. But I realized I need to face it not run away from it . In my eyes I needed to show people why we need more awareness and funds for CF Ireland.

The one thing that had been bugging me finally didn’t bug me anymore. I could talk about my CF without getting embarrassed or uncomfortable. It was like a big weight lifted off my shoulders.

Over the summer I have set up a CF Instagram account. I want to inspire and motivate other people just like me. I have chatted to a lot of people with cystic fibrosis, not just from Ireland, but from all over the world. Social media is such a positive in the CF community. We can chat to each other about things we are going through without even being at risk to cross infection!

What has helped me most throughout my experience with CF has been my hobbies.

One of them being musical theatre which I have had an interest in since I was five. I participate in two shows a year and I absolutely love it. Getting up on that stage makes me feel like I’m on top of the world. I feel at home when I’m with my theatre friends .we are like one big family.

I also enjoy art. Art has become a big hobby in the CF community. I believe it is because it is very therapeutic. I have participated in CF art exhibitions and an online Helium Arts programme. These types of programmes and exhibitions allow you to embrace your CF artistically. I would definitely recommend it!

Staying positive towards CF has also helped me stay motivated to exercise and get out .I exercise at least 4 to 5 times a week. It’s become part of my routine. What I suggest is find some kind of sport or physical activity you actually enjoy. For me it’s swimming, hiking and dancing. Exercise is like medicine in the CF world.

Last October my family and I went to Westport to climb croagh Patrick. I was motivated to get to the top of that mountain no matter what. As I went up it got tougher and tougher. Half way through I honestly would have loved to go back down. That would have been the easy thing to do, but we all need to be challenged in life. I told myself I don’t go all the way up I will regret it. So I climbed all the way up! The view at the top was the most amazing sight I’ve ever seen. On the way back down we were hit with hail stones, sleet, snow you name it. Let’s just say I’ve never been so grateful for a hot shower in all my life.

In my opinion people with cystic fibrosis need to live a normal life. What I’ve learned is when I do get sick and things are hard I have to stay positive and know that it will get better. CF does not define me or stop me from what I want to achieve in life. It’s just a minor factor of who I am.

Why should I not live a "normal" life anyways?

What is really stopping me from being a "normal" teenager?

By "normal" I mean what is normal?

Nobody on this earth is normal.

In conclusion I definitely think if you can find a way to bring positivity towards your illness it will make things a whole lot more achievable and believable.

Even though it may sound crazy I believe it has made me healthier. CF doesn’t just affect us physically but mentally. If you have a positive attitude it motivates you to get up, do something and push yourself. We are warriors. Stay positive, strong and courageous.

You got this 😊


Follow Jade on Instagram (@jadeneedham) and Twitter (@CJadeneedham)