Thursday 08th July

E-Bike Scheme

In July 2021, Cystic Fibrosis Ireland announced details of an e-bike scheme for adults with cystic fibrosis.

The E-Bike Scheme will provide grant assistance to persons with CF living in the Republic of Ireland aged 18 and older towards the purchase of an electric battery assisted pedal bicycle (e-bike).  This is a pilot scheme to help CFI evaluate if there are benefits of an e-bike to quality of life for persons with CF (PWCF).

The pilot involves CFI providing significant financial assistance to twenty adults with cystic fibrosis (18 years and over) for the purchase of e-bikes. Cystic Fibrosis Ireland invited applications to take part in the trial and research will be undertaken to measure their experience.


Exercise is proven to help as part of the treatment regime in cystic fibrosis. By keeping the airways working and active it helps move the thick sticky mucus that accumulates in the CF lung so that it can be cleared along with chest clearance physiotherapy. All the health benefits of regular exercise for the normal population help people with CF too.

Cycling is a great form of exercise. Any form of cycling encouraged as a regular activity will help increase fitness in people with CF which can help stabilise and reduce the rate of disease progression. Due to Ireland’s weather and landscape, terrain is undulating and winds can be a deterrent to regular cycling. Ordinary non-power assisted cycling can be more challenging for those with impaired lungs.  People with CF may be forced to give up cycling or maybe never try to take up cycling in the first place. E-bikes have the potential to ‘level the playing field’ for a person with impaired lung function by providing power assistance while cycling, especially up inclines or hills or against a headwind or over a longer distance.

There are over 1,400 people with CF In Ireland. (Source CF Registry of Ireland Annual Report 2019) 

48% of adults with CF in Ireland live with impaired lung function;
34% with moderate impairment and 14% with severe impairment.

An e-bike is a battery powered electric assisted bicycle.

E-bikes have the potential to address some of the following needs of people with CF:

  • Personal transport to access employment, education and training opportunities
  • Greater avoidance of infection and cross infection risks inherent in public transport, including COVID-19 and influenza but also pathogens uniquely harmful to people with CF from other people with CF
  • Exercise opportunities already recognised as a key part of regular CF therapy regime
  • Assistance to those who wish to cycle but who may find inclines, headwinds or longer distances a challenge
  • Improvement to quality of life, including widening leisure opportunities
  • Avoids time burden of public transport delays and traffic congestion

E-bikes can play a significant role as a very viable and cost-effective transport alternative. A key barrier is the cost of a high quality of e-bike. Quality built e-bikes with reliable motors and high safety design specifications are expensive items retailing from approximately €2,000 upwards. In this context CFI are providing a grant of €1,500 to the 20 selected applicants.

Successful applicants will be surveyed at baseline, 3-month, 6-month and 12-month time points to evaluate the usefulness of their e-bike. The results of this trial will determine if CFI will roll out a grant scheme for the wider CF community in the longer term (dependent on finances). 


We have highlighted some of the most frequently asked questions, but a broader FAQ document is available to download below.

CFI e-bike scheme FAQs Download
What is an e-bike?

An e-bike is a battery powered electric assisted bicycle.The CFI grant scheme will be limited to a pedal bicycle with a motor built on that provides power assistance to the cyclist. In Ireland, per regulation, this power assistance is limited to maximum cycle speed of 25 Km/h. Power assistance cuts out whenever the speed exceeds 25 km/h. 


Who is eligible to apply?

Only persons with Cystic Fibrosis aged 18 years or older currently living in the Republic of Ireland who are registered members with Cystic Fibrosis Ireland can apply.


How many grants will be available?

This pilot project is limited to 20 grant awards.


How much funding is available?

CFI will provide a grant of €1,500 for the 20 selected applicants.


Can I purchase any e-bike through the scheme

The grant will be issued to purchase a quality e-bike through Ebikes Ireland Kilkenny.

Quality bikes have minimum safety specifications that may not be found in lower priced models.

Further details on minimum quality specifications will be provided in the full terms and conditions of the scheme.


What is required from me as part of the pilot?

Successful applicants will be surveyed at baseline, 3-month, 6-month and 12-month time points to evaluate the usefulness of their e-bike. The results of this trial will determine if CFI will roll out a grant scheme for the wider CF community in the longer term (dependent on finances). 


Can I use bike to work scheme?

Grant recipients may combine the bike to work scheme to avail of additional tax incentive. Arrange this with the bike shop in advance of purchase. 

Further information on the bike to work scheme  is available in the FAQ document.


If I have already purchased an e-bike can I apply for the e-bike grant?

The grant cannot be retrospectively applied. The grant only applies to a purchase of a new premium-quality e-bike as agreed with eBikes Ireland Kilkenny and CFI.


What will happen at the end of the pilot project?

The e-bike is your personal property as soon as you have purchased the e-bike. All successful applicants must take part on the research that accompanies the pilot scheme which lasts 12 months.


How do I apply?

Application for the e-bike scheme is now closed. 

The application process was open for four weeks, from July 8th 2021 to August 9th 2021.



For further information on the e-bike scheme please contact Rory Tallon, CF Advocate on email or phone 087 932 3930 

Click below to view the full terms & conditions for the CFI e-bike scheme

CFI E-Bike Scheme Terms and Conditions Download

Full terms and conditions of the e-bike scheme will be issued to all successful grant recipients.

At all times from purchase of the e-bike, the e-bike is your personal property and you assume full ownership and responsibility for security and safety of your e-bike. CFI is not responsible for any loss or damage through theft or neglect or through misuse of the e-bike. You are responsible for your own road safety and personal safety while using your e-bike.