Monday 11th January

Clinic Update: CUH

Cork University Hospital

With the steep rise in Covid-19 infection numbers we advise our patients be keep their contacts to a minimum and cocoon as much as possible.

We are continuing to operate our service in the same way we have done throughout the pandemic, with communication through the CF nurses phone. Non-urgent reviews will be delayed for now to protect everyone and as usual urgent reviews will be arranged via the CF nurses phone. We hope to continue to run the virtual clinics as normal and to continue our roll-out of Kaftrio. Don't hesitate to make contact should you need to (021 492 2018 / 087 224 1824).

We're awaiting an update on the plan for roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccine for you all, there's work going on in the background regarding that. Happy new year and stay safe!

The Adult CF team, CUH